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    Efficient Identity Verification for Mobile Phone Contracts

    Verify and acquire more prepaid and postpaid customers without process interruptions.

    TELCO Digital identity verification of new customers

    Precautions must be taken to comply with legal requirements for user registration, to legally protect your telecommunications company and to prevent fraud.

    Customers expect a simple and fully digital process when they sign up for a service or enter into a contract. PXL Vision offers telco providers identity and age verification solutions for various use cases. These include prepaid and postpaid contracts, mobile, streaming and landline subscriptions, both in-store and online.

    People with phones
    Increase conversion rate
    Realization of high conversion results

    Turn your website visitors into customers and reduce customer onboarding costs from A to Z - supported by automated AI functions.

    Lock with checkmark
    Compliance with legal requirements

    Master complex regulations such as the Swiss BÜPF and VÜPF, the German and Austrian TKG as well as the data protection requirements of the Swiss DSG and the EU GDPR. At the same time, meet industry-specific security standards without compromising conversion or the customer experience.

    Fraud Protection
    Fraud prevention

    Protect yourself and your customers from SIM card swapping, identity theft and subscription fraud with our advanced identity verification technology that ensures genuine user logins.

    User-friendly identification for prepaid and postpaid contracts in the DACH region

    Telco Switzerland

    Identity verification for prepaid and postpaid contracts in Switzerland:

    In accordance with Art. 21 of the Federal Act on the Surveillance of Postal and Telecommunications Traffic (SPTA) and Art. 20a of the Ordinance on the Surveillance of Postal and Telecommunications Traffic (SPTA), an identity check is required when activating mobile services. In addition, video or online identification must meet the requirements of FINMA Circular 2016/07.

    Our solution meets these requirements. Identity verification can be used for both prepaid and postpaid mobile phone contracts from telecommunications companies based in Switzerland.

    Telco Germany

    Identity verification for postpaid contracts in Germany:

    The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA ) recommends that telecommunications providers verify the identity of postpaid subscribers and permits the use of the Auto-ID procedure. Identity verification is required by TKG §172 (1) and can be carried out for postpaid contracts, e.g. when taking out a mobile phone contract online or on site when purchasing a SIM card.

    Verify your postpaid customers in real time and without interruption and encourage them to conclude the contract.

    Telco Austria

    Identity verification for postpaid contracts in Austria:

    According to § 166 (2) of the Telecommunications Act and § 5 of the Identification Ordinance, identity verification of the user is mandatory before concluding a contract. The Photoident procedure involves the automated processing of facial images and documents.

    PXL Ident fulfills the procedural requirements. For a detailed analysis of your individual requirements, please contact our experts.

    Telco providers who rely on our identity verification:

    EFFICIENCY Improve the security and efficiency of your onboarding processes

    Ensure that all legal requirements are met. Automated identity verification replaces expensive video calls with high abandonment rates. This reduces fraud, automates processes and provides customers with a consistent user experience (UX). The quality and security of onboarding is maintained.

    Effective integration process
    Integrate PXL Vision's identity verification into your existing business processes with minimal effort: Apply it quickly to any requirements.
    Customized solutions
    Implement state-of-the-art identity verification solutions tailored to your specific needs and challenges in the telco sector. Factors such as customer base, regulatory environment or company size are taken into account.
    NFC verification
    Make the verification process more secure by scanning the NFC chip on ID documents directly via your smartphone's browser. Ensure that all required data is transferred directly from your ID document to prevent identity theft.
    State-of-the-art technology
    Integrate second-factor authentication (2FA) methods such as email or SMS together with biometric methods to verify the identity of your customers more effectively and reliably.
    Data security & data protection

    Provide robust data encryption and data protection services to ensure that customer data is stored and transmitted securely and in accordance with data protection standards.

    Global document coverage

    PXL Check is an additionally bookable web-application designed to maintain high conversion rates even when user can't be verified automatically. Find out more.

    "As the process is browser-based and no additional app download is required as with other providers, we achieve a very high conversion rate of 93 percent."

    Interview Portrait Alfonso-1
    Alfonso Matas
    Product Manager and Product Owner, Digital Republic

    "Working with PXL Vision has been beneficial for us and our customers on several levels. We are now able to process applications with ease and provide our customers with exactly the kind of straightforward insurance they need, when they need it. In this way, wecreate real added value for our customers and for our company."

    Jonathan Valour profile image
    Jonathan Valour
    Senior Product Manager, Groupe Mutuel

    "The integration of PXL Ident was quick and uncomplicated. Even with complex special requirements, the collaboration was always very productive and solution-oriented."

    Photo Metin Kabay
    Metin Kabay
    Co-Founder, COO and CTO, drivemycar AG

    "PXL Ident offers an extremely fast and very smooth verification process for investors on our platform."

    OOMNIUM-Marc-Rinderknecht (1)-2
    Marc Rinderknecht
    Co-Managing Director and Product Owner, OOMNIUM

    "As a national provider of digital identities, we rely on the highest possible standards in terms of security and data protection for identity verification. With PXL Vision, we have full control over the verification process and create the trust we need for SwissID."

    Markus Naef
    CEO SwissSign AG

    "Well continues to grow and we are convinced that PXL Vision will help us scale. The seamless verification process will allow our users to access online health services 24/7 and from anywhere. This will help us bring our eHealth platform to a greater number of people."

    Stephanie Künzli
    CPO, Well

    "Gambling is a sensitive issue for society. The protection of players and minors must be consistently observed and enforced. PXL Vision convinced us immediately."

    Florian Hermann
    Director Marketing and Operations, Novo Interactive

    "Thanks to PXL Vision, we have not only greatly simplified the identity verification process. We have also significantly increased the quality. That was exactly our goal."

    Fabian Baldinger
    Swiss Life Switzerland

    "PXL Vision's platform is very flexible. It met our need to offer a variety of use cases tailored to different legal requirements and business preferences. We have built a mutually beneficial partnership. They fully support us in every matter."

    Roger Huber
    Project Lead Multichannel Management, Zürcher Kantonalbank

    "Lemonfrog brings people together on 17 platforms to exchange services. We see PXL Vision as a strategic partner that helps create an environment where our users feel safe and can interact in a trustworthy way. Verification is fast, seamless and very well received by our user base."

    Tom Stierli
    CEO, Lemonfrog

    Find out more about identity verification in the telco industry.

    Let us tackle your project together.


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